How to encode price embedded barcodes to work with prices over $100

How to encode price embedded barcodes to work with prices over $100

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser

ISO Agent: Our merchant customer is having issues with amounts over $99. See images below. Do you have any suggestions?

This barcode rings up as $27.39

This item is scanning ok.

I know If I change to the first selection, it will ring up correctly. Then creates another problem, where it adds an additional zero at the end and changes $470 vs $4.70

CSI Works Support: This issue needs to be resolved in scale settings.

Here are the barcodes from above labels:

205903 31409 8
200116 12739 8

First Six Digits represent Product Code:
Digits from 7-12 represents price.
Last digit is ignored.

The problem is 7th digit. In the case when price is less than $100 scale needs to use 0 in 7th position.

Here is a video with demo of an issue and explanation how to fix it:

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