How to resolve "File Did Not Pass Format Verification" from Altria

How to resolve "File Did Not Pass Format Verification" from Altria

Products Discussed: Altria Group Distribution Company Tobacco Scan Data.

Use Case: If you received an email notification from Altria with Subject: Your Recent Scan Data File Did not Pass Format Verification and Needs Immediate Attention.

Step To Resolution: Check what CSI Works Identified the same validation error?

CSI Works Tobacco Scan Data Reporting performs the same validation check on the file format as does Altria Group. Therefore in most cases merchant would be able to read error report by CSI Works, quickly fix the errors and re-transmit the file.

First merchant needs to locate the file in question. CSI Works transmits the file to Altria every Tuesday morning. Merchant can login to their Clover Dashboard (Accessible via login at
(If merchant has multiple locations on Clover account, the right location must be picked)

Once logged in to the right location, merchant can navigate to Tobacco Scan Data in the navigation menu and see Reporting Dashboard.
Reporting dashboard shows files CSI Works transmits on merchants behalf.

Click on View Details to see more information about given weeks transmission.

in this case Unit of Measure Missing is the reason why Altria is rejecting the file. Merchant can click on Item ID and fill out Unit of measure and then resend file.