Initial Setup Altria Loyalty Program via Cloud CRM - How To

Initial Setup Altria Loyalty Program via Cloud CRM - How To

Products Discussed: Cloud CRM for Altria Loyalty Program as part of Tobacco Scan Data

Use Case: You have been sending tobacco scan data weekly reports to Altria Group. Now its the time to begin issuing the Loyalty Discounts (Where customers have to provide phone number in exchange for discount.
You already know what discounts you need to setup and in your case it could be (an example)
   PM USA P1/P4 Loyalty Program for Marlboro Products.
   Helix Loyalty Program for On! Products
   USSTC Loyalty Program for Copenhagen, Red Seal, ETC.
   NJOY Loyalty Program for Ace Devices
   JMC Loyalty Program

Written steps to setup Altria branded loyalty program discounts with Cloud CRM

Install Cloud CRM, choose free subscription plan.

If you need to install the app for the first time Open "App Market" and search for Customer plus plus cloud crm. This step can be completed on any clover device. 
When you find the Customer plus plus Cloud CRM app hit "Connect"

Notice that, there are two free price plans for merchants with Tobacco Scan Data.
          Option One Basic Free Scan Data:

If you signed up for reporting of tobacco scan data for only one manufacturer for $29.99 then you should select "Basic Free Scan Data" This price plan will provide everything you need for the Loyalty program but will not include Age Verification Technology. If you wish to use Age Verification technology by CSI Works, but do not want to upgrade Tobacco Scan data reporting to all 3 manufacturers for $49.99, you can simply sign up for Age Verification Price plan at 9.99 and keep your tobacco scan data reporting for $29.99

Option Two Free with Age Verify:

If you subscribed to CSI Works Tobacco Scan Data reporting for all three Manufactures (Altria, Reynolds and ITG) at $49.99 then yo should choose "Free with Age Verify" price plan for your cloud CRM as at this subscription level you have Age Verification Technology included with your loyalty program for Altria, Reynolds and ITG.

Open Cloud CRM, navigate to Altria loyalty program

Step 1: Open cloud CRM by locating its Icon on your Clover home screen.                                                

Step 2: When app opens on your Clover device,
click on three lines that open up the menu,  
        then click on Workflow Management.  

          then choose Altria Loyalty Program

Setup loyalty program(s) for all contracted brands.

The screen you've arrived to will reflect whatever currently running loyalty programs you may have. Since this is an initial setup the screen should have nothing setup and you'll notice a plus sign at the bottom of the right corner. Clicking that plus sign will take you to the screen where you can select a loyalty program you wish to activate.

1. You can search for loyalty program by name or its loyalty Code.
2. You can see the name and the loyalty code for each program listed.
3. Scroll Down to see more programs available.

1. Make sure the switch is turned on.
2. Enter Item Count and Discount Amount (Item Count is how many items customer has to buy to trigger the discount. The discount amount is total discount that will be issued)
3. Select a Mix (This enables customers to buy different SKU but still count toward the discount)
4. When you click on Assign Items another screen will popup and it will show you the inventory already present in Clover. Just select all the items that qualify for the loyalty discount you are setting up. Only select packs that are associate with the brand you are setting up. For example below we are setting up PM USA so only Marlboro packs can be assigned.

5. Discount Triggering Settings is where you indicate if discount will be on every X items or once per transaction or up to a carton.
6. Hit Save when done.

Test Loyalty Program in transaction after activation

This is the last step. You've setup the Loyalty program and now when checking out in Clover Register app a Cloud CRM Screen will popup and ask you to assing customer. Customer can be found/created by entering phone number or selecting one from existing customers.

Video Demo: Marlboro Single Pack Loyalty Offer demo on Clover POS

Video Demo: Updated USSTC Loyalty Program Settings in cloud CRM


Video Demo: Helix On! Setting up Loyalty Program

Video Demo: Item Assignment for Altria Loyalty Program(s) how to troubleshoot.

Video Demo: Navigating Altria Loyalty Codes