Pharmacy Receipt Scanning on Clover POS

Pharmacy Receipt Scanning on Clover POS

Type: Email Question 06-20-2024

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser

Agent:  One of our recently signed merchants, a pharmacy, has asked if they can scan the attached sample receipts and have the total amount and payment appear automatically using your application. Thank you for your assistance.


CSI Works:  Yes, Variable Price Barcode Parser can be setup to read these barcodes and get the price from it.

Here is a video I shot:

Agent:  Just have couple of questions about the functionality of the product. 1. Does the customer have to follow the same process every time they generate a new barcorde 2. Can the customer pre program hi inventory to match the barcordes. Thank you for your assistance.

CSI Works:
  1. No the process I showed on the video is just setting up how it needs to parse the barcode. This needs to be done once.
      2. Upon review your images I see that both scripts have the following numbers
            a. K1082553
            b. K1084253

Just looking at these numbers I can tell that K108 is constant in both labels so I would go to Clover Inventory app and create a single item called Pharma Script, make it variable, and in product code enter K108. In our variable price barcode parser I would instruct the app to use first 4 digits as product code and ignore all other digits.

I’ve made this additional video to answer your questions: