Price is off by few cents when scanning items with Variable Price Barcode Parser

Price is off by few cents when scanning items with Variable Price Barcode Parser

Type: Email Question 04-05-2024

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser

Agent:  Butcher Shop is making use of the Variable Price Barcode Parser with their Clover Mini V3 device. They have programmed their items into their Clover inventory but they are finding that upon scanning barcodes on the Clover Register app, some items are scanning with the correct price while others are not. The items that are scanning with the incorrect price are appearing with prices that are ~$0.02 too low.For example, the barcode shown below should have a price of $30.19. However when scanned into Register, the item price appears as $30.17.

We have looked into the Barcode setting options available on the Variable Price app and the selected barcode setting (option 2) is the only option that allows the barcodes to work. The other barcode settings does not allow the barcode to scan or it gives a totally incorrect price.

Please advise and let us know how we can have the price that appears on Clover Register match the actual price that is shown on the barcode sticker.

CSI Works:

When you use Variable Price Barcode Parser.
You need to setup items as “Variable Price” in Clover inventory app. It appears that you have setup items as “Per Unit” switch it to “Variable Price” type and the app will read the barcode correctly and reflect the correct price all the time.

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