Steps to Resolution for Promotion Reporting Errors from Altria

Steps to Resolution for Promotion Reporting Errors from Altria

Products Discussed: Altria Group Distribution Company Tobacco Scan Data.

Use Case: If you received an email notification from Altria with subject: "Your Recent Scan Data File has Promotion Reporting Errors and Needs Immediate Attention"
Your Recent Scan Data File has Promotion Reporting Errors and Needs Immediate Attention

Your Recent Scan Data File has Promotion Reporting Errors and Needs Immediate Attention
There are a number of reasons why Altria will send this Notification to you the merchant.

Expected and did not get vs got and did not expect

The very first thing you need to determine is if Altria is saying it got a discount it was not expecting or it was expecting a discount and did not get it.

Got discount but did not expect examples:
Merchant signed up to issue discount but discount not present examples:

USSTC Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect USSTC Loyalty Promotion Code
USSTC Multi-Can Y Indicator - No Promotion Election
USSTC Multi-Can Election - No Multi-Can Y Indicator

Helix Multi-Can Y Indicator - No Promotion Election
Helix On! Multi-Can Election - No Multi-Can Y Indicator

PM USA Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect PM USA Loyalty Promotion Code

PM USA Multi-Pack Election - No Multi-Pack Y Indicator

If you are sending discounts Altria is not expecting, then resolution is required ASAP   

            Confirm with your Altria representative or login to your portal to confirm what discounts you should be offering.
            If the discount in question is Multi-pack or Multi-Can go to Discount Scheduler and remove the discount in question.
            If the discount in question is Loyalty go to cloud crm and remove the discount in question.

Analyze Loyalty Promotion. Here are some of the most common reasons:

  1. First Reason for Promotional Errors: Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect.
    Consider this use case: customer buys 2 cans of Copenhagen and you offer them a loyalty discount in exchange for phone number, and customer declines and chooses not to share phone number for discount.
    This transaction will trigger this promotional error alert. Meaning if Altria see's a sale of qualified products without loyalty discount (which sometimes could mean that customer did not want to have this discount, the system will issue the email notification above.)
    If this is the case, then no further action is needed.

  2. Second Reason for Promotional Errors: Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect.
    Consider this use case: Merchant is indeed not triggering loyalty discounts at all for the given brands or all of them.
    If this is the case, then resolution is required ASAP

    How to determine what active Altria Loyalty Programs merchant is currently running
    How to setup/add Altria Loyalty Program 
  3. Third Reason for Promotional Errors: Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect.
    Consider this use case: Merchant has setup and is triggering loyalty discount but the loyalty code used is incorrect.
    If this is the case, then resolution is required ASAP

    How to identify what loyalty code merchant is running vs should be running
  4. Fourth Reason for Promotional Errors: Loyalty Election - Missing or Incorrect.
    Consider this use case: Merchant has setup and is triggering the correct discount and loyalty code used is correct. However some of the products are not included in the discount deal and those product should be included for example merchant setup USSTC Loyalty deal and did not select all the Copenhagen items to be included in that loyalty deal.
    If this is the case, then resolution is required ASAP

Analyze Multi-Unit (Multi-pack, Multi-can, etc) Promotion.Here are some of the most common reasons:

  1. First Reason for Promotional Errors: Multi-Can Election - No Y Indicator
    Consider this use case: Merchant sold single pack of Marlboro but is setup to issue discounts for 2 packs of Marlboro. Having sold single pack of Marlboro will trigger the email alert from Altria.

    If this is the case, then no further action is needed.

  2. Second Reason for Promotional Errors: Multi-Can Election - No Y Indicator
    Consider this use case: Merchant is indeed not triggering multi-pack discounts for the given Altria brand or all of them.
    If this is the case, then resolution is required ASAP

  3. Third Reason for Promotional Errors: Multi-Can Election - No Y Indicator
    Consider this use case: Merchant has setup and is triggering the correct multi-pack or multi-can discount. However some of the products are not included in the discount deal and those product should be included for example merchant setup USSTC multi-can deal and did not select all the Copenhagen items to be included in that deal.
    If this is the case, then resolution is required ASAP
            How to setup Buy Any Two Marlboro packs and get discount with Discount Scheduler on Clover POS