What to do when Altria Group Sends Email asking for Immediate Attention?

What to do when Altria Group Sends Email asking for Immediate Attention?

Use Case: Every week on Tuesday, we transmit a weekly report file to Altria on merchants behalf. The file consists of sales of tobacco related items and discounts issued via Discount Scheduler (for Multi Pack) deals, and/or cloud crm for Altria loyalty deals. Altria responds to weekly scan data transmissions with emails asking for immediate attention. This article will help merchant learn how to identify these email alerts and how to handle the issues reported using tools and interfaces provided by CSI Works and Altria.

How to identify different emails Altria sends ?

The different subjects of email alerts will tell you what the email is about and how to handle it.

  1. Subject: Your Recent Scan Data File Did Not Pass Format Verification and Needs Immediate Attention.
    This email subject is letting you know that the file will not be processed and as far as Altria is concerned they did not receive the file because what was sent was not accepted as properly formatted file. This issue is severe and will need to be addressed.  Note that a few days after rejection like this, Altria will email you another notice letting you know that file is missing for reporting week.

    Steps to Resolution

  2. Subject: Your Scan Data File(s) has not been Received:  Immediate Attention Needed.
    This email subject could be because the file indeed was not transmitted on given week, however it could also be because the file that was transmitted did not pass format verification and was rejected, as a result Altria considers the file to be missing. The solution is to transmit a valid file.

    Steps to Resolution

  3. Subject: Your Recent Scan Data File has Promotion Reporting Errors and Needs Immediate Attention.
    The file is accepted and is going to get processed but there are some errors that need to be addressed. The keyword here is "Promotion Reporting Errors" You can be assured that this email will talk about issues related to discounts either Multi-pack or Loyalty. 

    Steps to Resolution

  4. Subject: Age Validation Technology Participation Validation
    This email is a reminder that merchant is required to deploy and utilize Age Verification Technology AVT. When selling tobacco and other age restricted products merchant is required to scan Driver License to age verify. Merchant has options with CSI Works to comply with this requirement.

    Steps to Resolution