Why Are My Per Unit Barcodes Not Matching by a penny when I scan on Clover Register?

Why Are My Per Unit Barcodes Not Matching by a penny when I scan on Clover Register?

Type: Support Call

Call Reported On: 02-20-2022

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser

Merchant: We are testing the Variable Price Barcode Parser app. And we are getting different results when when we setup item as variable versus per unit vs variable. The variable price type setting amounts were matching the barcode. However, when placed as per unit the amounts were off by one penny.

CSI Works Support: 

The reason the merchant was having this experience was because the Variable Price Barcode Parser app does not work when an item is set to Fixed.

Now the correct way to parse the price embedded barcode is Variable.

The rounding error the merchant was experiencing had to do the several calculations.

The scale calculates total price by multiplying total weight by per unit programmed in scale. Then, on Clover, when set up per unit it does backward calculation, and this creates 3 calculations of the number back and forth. Sometime rounding becomes off by a penny.

The quick solution is to use Variable price setting.

If, the merchant wants to use per unit option on their scale, they would need to change the barcode to print total weight instead of total price. Then, on Clover they would use Weight Embedded Barcode Parser and uninstall Variable Price Barcode Parser.

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