Will DIGI SM5300 Canadian Scale be compatible with Clover POS?

Will DIGI SM5300 Canadian Scale be compatible with Clover POS?

Products Discussed: Variable Price Barcode Parser

Pastry & Grocery Merchant: We just opened a grocery and bakery store in Ontario. We bought a Digit Canada Scale It's model is SM5300. We are also using Clover POS System. We want to connect each other to see amount of item we scaled on the Clover Screen. Could you please help us with this?

This is the picture of the DIGI SM5300 scale we have.

Here is the picture of the label the scale prints.

CSI Works Support: The DIGI SM5300 scale cannot physically connect to Clover POS so that you can place an item to scale and identify its weight on Clover POS. That cannot be done.

You can install Variable price barcode parser. That will enable you to be able to scan the price embedded barcodes that are printed from label printing scale because that scale has label printing abilities.

Here is a video demo on how to setup Variable Price Barcode Parser.